Sexual Harassment and Abuse Prevention
and Reporting
This document outlines OZiHOUSE Group’s approach to preventing and addressing sexual
harassment and abuse in the homestay environment. It is designed to ensure a safe,
respectful, and supportive environment for both students and hosts, in line with NEAS quality
standards, the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas
Students 2018 (National Code), and the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS)
Act 2000.
OZiHOUSE Group is committed to safeguarding students from sexual harassment, abuse,
and other forms of violence. All students, regardless of age or nationality, have the right to a
homestay environment that is free from these behaviours. All staff and hosts are required to
act to prevent and respond to any incidents that compromise the safety and well-being of
This policy supports:
● NEAS Quality Principle O1.2: Effective governance and management policies that
address sexual harassment, abuse prevention, and reporting.
● National Code Standard 5: Ensuring the welfare and safety of students under 18,
with particular focus on reporting and managing critical incidents.
● ESOS Act: Requirements to ensure the protection of overseas students.
● Sexual harassment: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, or
other conduct of a sexual nature that is inappropriate or makes the student or host feel
uncomfortable or unsafe.
● Sexual abuse: Any form of sexual activity with a person under the age of consent, or
unwanted sexual activity imposed on any individual.
● Critical incident: A situation that poses an immediate risk to student safety and
requires urgent intervention.2
Roles and Responsibilities
OZiHOUSE Group staff must:
● Undergo child safety screening.
● Implement policies that protect students and host families.
● Provide training for staff and hosts on sexual harassment and abuse prevention.
● Establish and maintain clear communication channels for reporting incidents, including
24-hour crisis contact numbers.
● Regularly monitor compliance with policies and procedures related to student welfare,
particularly for under 18s.
Homestay hosts must:
● Ensure that students feel safe and supported in the homestay environment.
● Participate in training on cultural awareness, child safety, and abuse prevention.
● Report any suspected incidents of harassment or abuse immediately to OZiHOUSE
This information is organised in the following sections:
1. Prevention Measures.
2. Reporting Procedures.
3. Response and Investigation.
4. Monitoring and Review.
5. Emergency Contact Information.
6. Review Date.3
1. Prevention Measures
1.1 Training and awareness:
● All staff and hosts must complete mandatory training on sexual harassment and abuse
prevention, with a focus on understanding the cultural sensitivities of international
● Students are provided with plain English information on their rights and
responsibilities, and the reporting procedures related to sexual harassment and
1.2 Host vetting:
● OZiHOUSE Group will ensure that all host family members over 18 undergo Working
with Children Checks (WWCC) or other jurisdiction-appropriate screenings. If a host
family is already working with a NEAS quality endorsed homestay service provider
and has current proof of such screenings, this documentation may be submitted.
● Homes must be inspected every six months, with a focus on ensuring the safety and
privacy of students. Inspections may include virtual tours if appropriate.
2. Reporting Procedures
2.1 Student reporting:
● Students are encouraged to report any incidents of sexual harassment or abuse as
soon as possible directly to OZiHOUSE Group by phone or email.
● A 24-hour emergency hotline, including contacts for Lifeline, Beyond Blue, and Kids
Help Line, must be provided to all students and hosts.
2.2 Host and staff reporting:
● Hosts and staff must immediately report any suspected incidents of harassment or
abuse to OZiHOUSE Group’s designated officer.
● For students under 18, OZiHOUSE Group must promptly notify the education provider
as part of the critical incident response process.
2.3 Confidentiality:
● All reports will be treated with confidentiality. OZiHOUSE Group will ensure that the
reporting student is supported, and their privacy is respected during the investigation.4
3. Response and Investigation
3.1 Initial Response:
● Upon receiving a report of sexual harassment or abuse, OZiHOUSE Group will conduct
an immediate risk assessment to ensure the student’s safety.
● If the student is under 18, parents or guardians will be informed, and the education
provider will be involved in any decision-making regarding the student’s welfare.
3.2 Investigation:
● OZiHOUSE Group will conduct a thorough investigation, which may involve interviews
with the student, host, and any witnesses.
● External authorities (e.g., police or child protection agencies) will be contacted if
required by law or based on the severity of the incident.
3.3 Outcome:
● The outcome of the investigation may include removal of the student from the
homestay, termination of the host agreement, and reporting to regulatory bodies.
● OZiHOUSE Group will ensure that students are provided with access to counselling or
support services during and after the investigation process.
4. Monitoring and Review
4.1 Homestay placements are reviewed at least every three months, and feedback on the
student’s experience is gathered to identify any risks or areas of concern.
4.2 Feedback from hosts and students is encouraged, and any potential issues relating to
sexual harassment or abuse prevention are addressed promptly.
5. Emergency Contact Information
5.1 OZiHOUSE Group will provide all students and hosts with 24-hour crisis contact numbers,
● OZiHOUSE Group: 0405768808.
● Emergency services: 000.
● Lifeline: 131114.
● Beyond Blue: 1300224636.
● Kids Help Line: 1800551800.
5.2 Homestay hosts and students must be briefed on these emergency contacts and what to
do in a crisis upon arrival.
6. Review Date
6.1 This policy will be reviewed annually or after any reported incident, whichever comes first,
to ensure continued compliance with NEAS quality standards, the National Code, and the